The role of the Altar Server is to help the priests and deacons during the Mass. They are responsible for leading the procession at the beginning and ending of each Mass, for preparing and helping the priest with the books containing the prayers, for helping set and clear the altar and other important tasks to help make Mass run smoothly and efficiently. Children are welcome to become altar servers after their First Communion. Please contact the parish office for more information. Training is available.
The role of the lector is to proclaim the readings at Mass. They share the task of making the scriptures come alive for parishioners. If you would like to become a lector please contact our Parish Office.
For St. Clement please see Lorraine Beaulieu.
For Holy Name of Jesus Lectors Schedule click here.
For St. John the Evangelist Lectors Schedule click here.
For St. Mary's Lectors Schedule click here.
Eucharistic Ministers are individuals of all ages (must be Confirmed) who are invited to help distribute the Eucharist at Mass. Please speak to Fr. Danny Santos if you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister in your parish.
For St. Clement - E.M. Schedule please see Lorraine Beaulieu.
For Holy Name of Jesus E.M. Schedule click here.
For St. John the Evangelist E.M. Schedule on an as needed basis.
For St. Mary's E.M. Schedule please click here.
If you're good with numbers, consider joining a Collection Counting team to count the weekend collection. You will require a Police Clearance. Contact the Parish Office if you're interested.
For Holy Name of Jesus Collection Counters Schedule click here.
For St. John the Evangelist Collection Counters Schedule click here.
For St. Mary's Collection Counters Schedule click here.
For St. Clement's Collection Counters please see Doris Coyle.
Be the first to greet our guests and parishioners in a Christ-like fashion as we come together to celebrate Mass. Other usher duties include assisting with seating and assisting those with mobility challenges, taking up the collection, and guiding the Communion lines. We welcome young adults and families who wish to serve together in ministry. Please contact the Parish Office.
For St. John the Evangelist Ushers Schedule please see Elaine Blain.